This website you are looking at is the third version. I've been developing it since 2021. Over four years, three versions have been published (2021, 2023 and 2024).

Three versions, published in 2021, 2023 and 2024
It is the result of my ongoing quest for portfolio perfection (or at least something that doesn't make me cringe much) - a space where I share who I am, what I know, and what I'm working on.
This website has been featured on:
From 2021 to the present, I've used Next.js, React and TailwindCSS for all versions. Components are from shadcn, and syntax highlighting is powered by Shiki.
Both of my previous versions were static websites, requiring commits, rebuilds, and redeployments even for a small typo fix. This changed when I began exploring Headless CMS. Working with them shifted my perspective on website structure and its organization.
Now, I use PayloadCMS, its seamless Next.js integration is pure magic! I'm now using Payload for other projects as well.
It isn't a static website, so obviously, it needed a database. I use MongoDB (hosted on MongoDB Atlas for all my content-related antics) and Uploadthing (for media storage — thanks to Payload CMS's official provider and Uploadthing's generous free egress bandwidth).
The site is deployed on Vercel, and analytics are tracked with Umami. Domains are registered with Spaceship, and DNS is managed through Cloudflare.
Below is the unordered list that inspired me in some ways that make this website functions properly:
- Stepan Pavlov
- Alexander Sandberg
- Dhrumil Patel
- Thu Le
- Emil Kowalski
- Glenn Hitchcock
- Cassandra Tang
- Rauno Freiberg
- Facu Montanaro
- Florian
Thank you for letting me stole your ideas!